Sunday 30 September 2018

Indonesia searches for survivors after powerful quake, tsunami

Indonesia tsunami

PALU, Indonesia: More than 400 people were confirmed killed, many swept away as tsunami waves triggered by a massive earthquake crashed into the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, and authorities expected the toll to rise sharply on Sunday as news arrives from remote areas.

Dozens of people were reported to be still trapped in the rubble of a hotel and a mall in the city of Palu, which was hit by waves as high as six meters (20 feet) following the 7.5 magnitude earthquake.

With the death toll so far from Palu alone and reports only slowly filtering in from Donggal, a region of 300,000 people north of Palu and closer to the epicenter, authorities are bracing for worse to come.

Indonesia’s Vice President Jusuf Kalla said the toll could rise to thousands.

Hundreds of people had gathered for a festival on the Palu’s beach when the wall of water smashed onshore at dusk on Friday, sweeping many to their deaths and destroying anything in its path. Indonesian President Joko Widodo was scheduled to visit evacuation centers in the city on Sunday.

The Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Willem Rampangilei, told reporters in Sulawesi late on Saturday the death toll from Palu had reached 420 people, according to news website Kompas.

“It’s estimated that 10,000 refugees are scattered in 50 points in Palu city,” he was quoted by Kompas as saying. “We are having difficulty deploying heavy equipment to find victims under the rubble of buildings because many of the roads leading to Palu city are damaged.”

Amateur footage shown by local TV stations showed waves crashing into houses along Palu’s shoreline, scattering shipping containers and flooding into a mosque in the city.

Dozens of injured people were being treated in makeshift medical tents set up outdoors.

Photos confirmed by authorities showed bodies being lined up along the street on Saturday, some in bags and some with their faces covered with clothes.


BNPB spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho told a briefing in Jakarta the damage was “extensive” and said thousands of houses, hospitals, shopping malls and hotels had collapsed. A bridge was washed away and the main highway to Palu was cut off due to a landslide.

“The tsunami didn’t come by itself, it dragged cars, logs, houses, it hit everything on land,” Nugroho said, adding the tsunami had traveled across the open sea at speeds of 800 kph (500 mph) before striking the shoreline.

Metro TV reported hundreds of people had gathered outside a collapsed mall on Sunday, looking for relatives feared trapped under rubble.

Nugroho said casualties and damage could be greater along the coastline for 300 km (200 miles) north and south of Palu, including the region of Donggala.

The Red Cross said staff and volunteers were heading to the affected areas.

“We’re now getting limited communications about the destruction in Palu city, but we have heard nothing from Donggala and this is extremely worrying. There are more than 300,000 people living there,” Red Cross said in a statement.

“This is already a tragedy, but it could get much worse.”

Donggala’s waterfront and port was extensively damaged, with houses swept into the sea and bodies trapped in the rubble, according to a Metro TV reporter on the scene.

Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Indonesia had not yet asked for help but he contacted President Joko Widodo overnight to offer support and deep sympathies.

“It is horrifying,” he told ABC TV’s Insiders program on Sunday.

“To secure the scene and make sure that issues do not deteriorate further, I think, will be a big challenge,” he said.

“But I know that President Widodo will be taking a very direct and close interest in how these issues are managed and if he needs our help, he’ll have it.”


More than half of the 560 inmates in Palu’s prison escaped after its walls collapsed during Friday’s quake, according to state news agency Antara.

“It was very hard for the guards to stop the inmates from running away as they were so panicked and had to save themselves too,” Antara quoted warden Adhi Yan Ricoh as saying.

Over a hundred inmates staged a separate escape from a prison in Donggala.

Prison warden Saifuddin told Kompas inmates had started a fire in the detention center after authorities refused their demands to be released to check on their families.

In Palu’s Roa-Roa Hotel, which was completely flattened by the quake, many people were still missing.

“Communication is cut off. All we knew is that 24 guests were successfully evacuated and one has died,” hotel owner Ko Jefry told Metro TV on Saturday night. “It is estimated that 50 to 60 people remain trapped.”

Amateur video footage showed trees, buildings and a communications tower being swept through a rural landscape. The landslide was caused by liquification of the soil, according BNPB’s Nugroho.

In other footage shared on social media, a man on the upper floor of a building can be heard shouting frantic warnings of the approaching tsunami to people on the street below. Within minutes a wall of water crashes onto the shore, carrying away buildings and cars. Reuters was not able to immediately authenticate the footage.

Indonesia’s meteorological and geophysics agency BMKG issued a tsunami warning after Friday’s quake, but lifted it 34 minutes later. The agency was widely criticized for withdrawing the warning too quickly, though officials said they estimated the waves had come within the time the warning was in force.

The military has started sending in cargo planes with aid from Jakarta and other cities, authorities said, but evacuees still badly needed food and other basic necessities.

Palu’s airport was damaged in the quake, but was reopened for limited commercial flights on Sunday, authorities said.

Indonesia sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire and is regularly hit by earthquakes, including the devastating Boxing Day 2004 earthquake and tsunami that killed more than 120,000 in northern Aceh province alone.

In August, a series of major quakes killed more than 500 people in the tourist island of Lombok and destroyed dozens of villages along its northern coast.

Palu was hit by tsunami in 1927 and 1968, according to BNPB.

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FM warns India of matching response to deter cross-LoC adventure

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi LoC

NEW YORK: Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has warned India that if it did any venture across the Line of Control (LoC), or acted upon its doctrine of limited war against Pakistan, it will evoke an effective, strong and matching response.

Talking to media persons in New York, he said India had frequently violated the ceasefire along the Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir in an attempt to divert the world’s attention from its endless brutalities in Kashmir, but Pakistan acted with restraint.

He said Pakistan knows to defend its interests and ideology.

The foreign minister said his meeting with the United Nations Secretary General remained fruitful. He said the UN Secretary General will soon visit India and Pakistan.

He said Pakistan supports comprehensive reforms in the United Nations.

Qureshi said Pakistan reflected the sentiments of the Muslim world b raising the issue of blasphemous caricatures in the United Nations,

He said during the last six days, he held fifty-four meetings with the world leaders including the Chinese and Russian Foreign Ministers and apprised them about Pakistan’s stance on different global issues.

He said the prevailing situation in the Middle East is a matter of deep concern for Pakistan.

Qureshi said a trilateral meeting of the leaders of Pakistan, China and Afghanistan will be held in December to ponder over the present situation in Afghanistan and exploring solution to the Afghan issue.

The foreign minister said he will hold talks on bilateral issues during his meeting with the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday.

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Under pressure, Trump orders FBI Kavanaugh probe, causing week delay


WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump, under intense pressure from moderates in his own party over his Supreme Court nominee, on Friday ordered an FBI investigation into sexual misconduct allegations against Brett Kavanaugh at the request of Senate Republicans, a move that will delay the contentious confirmation process by a week.

The key player in a day of dramatic and unexpected developments was Senator Jeff Flake, a moderate Republican retiring from the Senate in January who provided the decisive vote to approve Kavanaugh’s nomination in the Judiciary Committee and send the matter to the full Senate.

But Flake, after urgent consultations with colleagues including Democratic Senator Chris Coons, cast the vote only after asking the Republican-led panel to request that the Trump administration pursue an FBI probe lasting up to seven days of the explosive allegations against Kavanaugh.

Trump, who had previously rebuffed Democratic demands for an FBI probe, granted the request, ordering the “supplemental investigation” to be “limited in scope and completed in less than one week.”

“Just started, tonight, our 7th FBI investigation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. He will someday be recognized as a truly great Justice of The United States Supreme Court!,” Trump said in a Twitter post late on Friday.

Flake’s move came a day after an extraordinary hearing in which university professor Christine Blasey Ford detailed her sexual assault allegation against Kavanaugh. Flake’s action also came only hours after two protesters who said they were sexual assault survivors cornered him in an elevator and castigated him for announcing he would vote for Kavanaugh in the committee.

“That’s what you’re telling all women in America – that they don’t matter, they should just keep it to themselves,” one of the protesters shouted at Flake, a frequent Trump critic who looked shaken by the encounter.

Flake, who had a pained expression when he made his request for an FBI probe in the committee after forcing a brief delay in the scheduled vote, was supported by two other Republican moderates, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins, both of whom have not announced whether they would support Kavanaugh.

The allegations against Kavanaugh, with the backdrop of the #MeToo movement against sexual harassment and assault that has toppled a succession of powerful men, have riveted the country even as they have imperiled his confirmation chances.

Read More: Trump takes a #MeToo stand — for the men

Trump’s nomination of Kavanaugh, a conservative federal appeals court judge, for a lifetime job on the top U.S. court had appeared to be going along smoothly until Ford’s allegation surfaced last week. He has denied her allegation and accusations of sexual misconduct made by two other women.

The committee vote followed a jarring and emotional hearing on Thursday in which Ford accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her in 1982 when both were high school students in Maryland. Kavanaugh denied the accusation and accused Democrats – who have opposed his nomination from the outset – of a “calculated and orchestrated political hit.”

In a statement issued by the White House, Kavanaugh said he would cooperate with the FBI investigation.

If confirmed, Kavanaugh would consolidate conservative control of the nation’s highest court and advance Trump’s broad effort to shift the American judiciary to the right.

The controversy has unfolded just weeks ahead of the Nov. 6 congressional elections in which Democrats are trying to seize control of Congress from the Republicans.


“This country’s being ripped apart here,” Flake told his fellow senators about the nomination fight. “I think we can have a short pause,” he added.

“We ought to do what we can to make sure that we do all due diligence with a nomination this important,” Flake said.

Even before Flake’s move, it was unclear if Republicans had the votes to confirm Kavanaugh on the Senate floor. Republicans hold a slim 51-49 majority in the Senate, making the votes of Murkowski and Collins crucial. Trump can afford to lose the vote of only one senator in his own party if all the Democrats vote against Kavanaugh and Vice President Mike Pence casts a tie-breaking vote.

Trump said Murkowski and Collins must do what they think is right. Moderate Democrats Joe Manchin and Heidi Heitkamp, who have not yet announced how they will vote on Kavanaugh, also supported Flake’s move.

Trump indicated he was sticking with Kavanaugh, saying he has not thought “even a little bit” about replacing him.

With tempers flaring, the Judiciary Committee advanced the nomination 11-10 along party lines. The Senate formally moved to open debate on Kavanaugh’s nomination later on Friday in a move agreed to by both parties, setting the stage for a planned final vote on confirmation at the end of next week.

“This is a nomination that deserves to move forward,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said.

Ford’s lawyer, Debra Katz, welcomed the FBI investigation and thanked the senators who pushed for it but decried the limits imposed on it. “A thorough FBI investigation is critical to developing all the relevant facts,” Katz said.

The timing of the panel’s session gave committee members little time to digest Thursday’s remarkable testimony from Kavanaugh and Ford. Trump said he found Ford’s testimony “very compelling” and Kavanaugh’s angry and defiant response “incredible.”

Before Flake’s move, committee Republicans voted down a Democratic motion seeking to subpoena Mark Judge, a Kavanaugh friend who Ford said witnessed the assault. Judge had told the committee in a written statement he does not recall any such incident. He is likely to be central to any FBI probe.

Judge’s lawyer said he would cooperate with the FBI or any other law enforcement agency.

As the committee set its vote, some Democrats left the room in protest. “What a railroad job,” Democratic Senator Mazie Hirono said. One Republican, Senator John Kennedy, called Kavanaugh’s confirmation process “an intergalactic freak show.”

Senator Dianne Feinstein, the committee’s senior Democrat, called Kavanaugh’s testimony unseemly for a judicial nominee.

“This was someone who was aggressive and belligerent. I have never seen someone who wants to be elevated to the highest court in the country behave in that manner. In stark contrast, the person who testified yesterday and demonstrated a balanced temperament was Dr. Ford,” Feinstein said.

The American Bar Association, which earlier endorsed Kavanaugh, and the dean of Yale Law School, which Kavanaugh attended, also called for an FBI probe on Friday, the first indication of the legal profession turning on the nominee.

Kavanaugh could be the deciding vote on contentious legal issues if he is confirmed to the nine-member court, with disputes involving abortion, immigration, gay rights, voting rights and transgender troops possibly heading to the court soon. The court begins its next term on Monday.

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Aligarh encounter: Muslim youths killed were innocent, says slain Hindu priest’s kin

"The police have not yet been able to recover priest’s mobile and bag. Why will they (two Muslims) kill him (priest)? They are innocents.”

Aligarh encounter: Muslim youths killed were innocent, says slain Hindu priest’s kin

ALIGARH: Family of Roop Singh, the slain temple priest in the district told a fact-finding team that 17-year-old Naushad and Mustakeem, 22 shot dead in an encounter by Uttar Pradesh police were innocent.

A fact-finding team recently went to Atrauli and met the families of Naushad and Mustakeem and that of Roop Singh in Safedpur area.

In a press statement, the delegation of rights group Rihai Manch said: “Giriraj Singh, brother of the slain temple priest Roop Singh, not only raised question over the murder of his brother but also on the 20th September police encounter. He said that the time when the priest was killed according to the police is actually the time when his elder brother had met him (priest) at the temple. Regarding the killing in police encounter of the alleged killers of his brother, he said the police have not yet been able to recover priest’s mobile and bag. Why will they (two Muslims) kill him (priest)? They are innocents.”

Talking to right activists and some student leaders of Aligarh Muslim University, slain priest’s brother made some startling revelations:

“This incident (killing of his brother) could not occur without the involvement of some co-villagers. Several times in the past, cash and valuables were stolen from the temple. Once Rs 35,000 and utensils were stolen. Another time, Rs 60,000 and amplifier were stolen. And this time around Rs 90,000 were stolen. It appears that thieves entered the temple and Baba (priest) woke up. Fearing revelation of their identity, thieves killed him. They reached the tube-well nearby. Meanwhile, a couple while spraying chemicals to shoo away wild pigs from their field reached there and with the torchlight they might have identified the thieves. Then they killed the couple too. This shows that the thieves were from the village itself.”

Priest’s brother further said: When he reached the police to file complaint, the police showed him a video wherein a person was saying that he killed Baba and took the last train at 8 PM. How can this be possible when my elder brother had met Baba at 8 PM.”

Under full media glare, police on 20th September shot dead the two youths in connection with six murders in different parts including two Hindu priests, in Aligarh district.

Also Read:
UP cops invites media to ‘watch and film encounter’

On 16th September, Three bodies, including that of priest Roop Singh on the premises of Durani Mata Mandirand and a couple, Yogendra Kumar Lodh (40) and his wife Vimlesh (38) were found in a field in Safedpur village under Harduaganj Police Station in Aligarh, according to a leading news agency quoted Aligarh Police as saying.

After the encounter, the police told the media that the duo were involved in the six murders that includes temple priest Roop Singh in the district that took place in one month.

However, kin of Mustakim and Naushad refute the allegation and alleged that the encounter was fake. The mothers of the duo held a press conference in Delhi on Saturday 29th September and appeal to PM Modi for justice.

from The Siasat Daily

Videos showing ‘how to hack Facebook’ running on YouTube

Videos showing ‘how to hack Facebook’ running on YouTube

London: Even as Facebook struggles to deal with a fresh data breach that affected nearly 50 million of its users, Google’s video streaming platform YouTube continues to host tutorials that claim to provide people ways to hijacking Facebook accounts, the media reported.

Hours after Facebook revealed the breach on Friday, some YouTube videos, which were seen several thousand times, described a method similar to the one used by the hackers to get access to the millions of Facebook accounts, The Telegraph reported on Saturday.

In the fresh Facebook data breach case, hackers stole “access tokens” or digital keys that keep people logged in to Facebook so they do not need to re-enter their password every time they use the app.

Nathaniel Gleicher, Facebook’s Head of Cyber Security Policy, told the Telegraph that he was “aware of certain videos describing different elements of the attack” and that the company was “looking into these to make sure people’s accounts are protected”.

A Google spokesperson was quoted as saying that the company carries out a careful review of flagged content, and will remove videos that encourage illegal activities of the hacking of accounts or sites with “malicious intentions”.

Guy Rosen, Facebook’s Vice President of Product Management, on Friday said the social networking giant had reset the access tokens of the almost 50 million accounts it know were affected to protect their security.

Rosen added that another 40 million users might have got exposed to similar attacks.

from The Siasat Daily

No question of PDP, NC merger: Altaf Bukhari

No question of PDP, NC merger: Altaf Bukhari

Srinagar: Senior leader of People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and former minister Altaf Bukhari on Saturday clarified that there was no question of merger of his party and the National Conference (NC) but for formation of a coalition government.

The clarification comes a day after Bukhari opined that the PDP and NC must come together to defend Article 35 A of the Constitution, which, he claimed, was misrepresented.

“My Yesterday’s remark was in reply to a question about my reaction to the civil society’s suggestion that PDP and National Conference should join hands, form the government and defend article 35A together. There is no question of a merger of parties. It is only about joining hands to form the government,” he told ANI.

“I am not the party’s authorised representative to speak on it. As an inhabitant of the state and as an elected representative, I say it is a welcome step. If the interest of the state can be met by joining hands between the two regional forces, I would definitely use my influence also,” he further noted.

The NC and the PDP have boycotted the upcoming local body elections in Jammu and Kashmir over lack of clarity in the Centre’s stance on Article 35A, which is meant to secure all permanent residents of the State and accord special rights and privileges in public sector jobs, acquisition of property in the state, and other public aid and welfare.

from The Siasat Daily

Terrorists attack police station in J-K, one policeman injured

Terrorists attack police station in J-K, one policeman injured

Shopian: One policeman was injured after terrorists attacked a police station in Jammu and Kashmir’s Shopian district on Sunday.

The terrorists first hurled a grenade and then opened fire at the police station.

The security forces retaliated and foiled the attack.

Further details are awaited.

On September 27, security forces gunned down a terrorist, after an encounter broke out in Dooru Shahabad area in Jammu and Kashmir’s Anantnag district.

from The Siasat Daily

Fuel price hike: Petrol nears Rs 84 a litre in Delhi

Fuel price hike: Petrol nears Rs 84 a litre in Delhi

New Delhi: Petrol and diesel prices continued the upward trend across the country as the fuel prices entered new record height on Sunday.

The petrol price was hiked by 0.09 paisa in Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai and by 0.10 paisa in Chennai.

After the revision, petrol is being sold at Rs 83.49 per litre in Delhi and diesel costs Rs 74.79 per litre. A litre of petrol now costs Rs 90. 84 in Mumbai and diesel is being priced at Rs 79.40.

While in Chennai petrol price is Rs 86.80 and diesel is Rs 79.08.

Petrol now costs Rs 85. 30 per litre and diesel Rs 76.64 per litre in Kolkata.

Fuel prices have been witnessing a steep rise since the past few weeks. While the Opposition has blamed the union government for not doing enough to keep a check on prices, the latter has maintained that global crude oil prices and other international factors are causing a hike in prices of petroleum products.

from The Siasat Daily

My career has come full circle: Trisha on Rajinikanth’s Petta’

My career has come full circle: Trisha on Rajinikanth’s Petta’

Chennai: Actress Trisha Krishnan, who teams up with superstar Rajinikanth for the first time in upcoming Tamil actioner “Petta”, feels her career has come full circle as she joins the film’s sets from October 1 in Varanasi.

“For years, I’ve been asked when I will work with Rajinikanth. Honestly, this question has bothered me. It’s time to finally shut all those people up as I join the sets of ‘Petta’ from Monday (October 1) for a month-long schedule. I feel my career has come full circle,” Trisha, a die-hard Rajinikanth fan, told IANS.

It’s been her long-time dream to work with the “Kaala” actor.

“I’ll always be a Rajinikanth fan first and then only his co-star. I’ve met and interacted with him many times but I’m sure it’s going to be fun working alongside him.”

Trisha is equally excited about her forthcoming Tamil release “96”, slated for release on October 4.

In Prem Kumar-directed “96”, she teams up with Vijay Sethupathi for the first time.

“This is one project I’m really excited about. I’m also quite nervous because of the highly positive pre-release buzz. I’ve been reading posts on social media where people are already celebrating the film and that’s making me nervous. We knew we were making a good film but we didn’t expect this kind of pre-release hype.”

Talking more about the project, Trisha said: “I was quite intrigued by the script when I heard it the first time. The other factor that really drew me to this film was the opportunity to work with Vijay. It’s a love story and we haven’t worked before, so it makes it a fresh combination.”

“96”, a unique love story, revolves around two batch-mates from the 1996 batch, Ram and Janu, who meet 20 years later at the school reunion.

“Love is underplayed in the film. We don’t play characters who express their love in words. We don’t say it to each other but it still gets conveyed. You’d find our performances very genuine because we didn’t really act,” she said, adding that all the credit goes to the director.

“Prem is the kind of director who doesn’t like to go for too many takes because he feels we’d lose the spontaneity. Even if we’d get a dialogue wrong, he’d still go ahead with the shot and correct the dialogue in the dubbing. We never felt like we were acting.a

On sharing screen space with Vijay Sethupathi, she said: “He’s the least intimidating star I’ve worked with in my career.”

“Neither does he have the star aura nor the actor’s aura. If he had any kind of aura, it’d have been very intimating to work because he’s an amazing performer. He made working with him very comfortable right from the first day onwards.”

Recently seen in a few women-centric films such as “Mohini” and “Nayagia, Trisha said she will continue picking projects she finds interesting.

“I’m really not after women-centric scripts. If I find an interesting project, I’ll go ahead and do it. I’m glad the shelf-life of actresses is changing. Actresses like Nayanthara and Anushka have been around for a long time and they’re doing very well for themselves.”

from The Siasat Daily

Nitesh Tiwari’s next ‘Chhichhore’ goes on floors

Nitesh Tiwari’s next ‘Chhichhore’ goes on floors

Mumbai: “Dangal” famed filmmaker Nitesh Tiwari’s next directorial titled “Chhichhore” went on floors on Sunday.

Calling it a special day, Tiwari tweeted: “Today is a special day as the shooting of my next film ‘Chhichhore’ starts. Thank you Sajid Nadiadwala and Fox Star Hindi for joining me in this new and exciting journey.”

The film will be produced by Nadiadwala and will be presented by Fox Star Hindi.

A tweet from the official twitter account of the Nadiadwala Grandson read: “Sajid Nadiadwala’s ‘Chhichhore’ directed by ‘Dangal’ fame, Nitesh Tiwari and presented by Fox Star Hindi goes on floors today!”

Details related to the film are still under wraps.

from The Siasat Daily

Gippy Grewal announces next directorial venture ‘Ardaas 2’

Gippy Grewal announces next directorial venture ‘Ardaas 2’

Mumbai: Popular Punjabi singer, actor and filmmaker Gippy Grewal has announced his new directorial venture “Ardaas 2”.

Gippy, who is also writing the Punjabi film, on Sunday shared it’s first look on Twitter and wrote: “Humble Motion Pictures Presents ‘Ardaas 2’. Written and directed by Gippy Grewal. Shooting starts soon.”

The film is scheduled to release next year.

“Ardaas 2” is the second installment of “Ardaas”, which released in 2016. It features Gurpreet Ghuggi, Ammy Virk and Meher Vij among many others.

Gippy has previously also directed Punjabi films like “Zindabad Yaariyan” and “Dare and Lovely”.

from The Siasat Daily

Kalki Koechlin, Shilpa Shetty stand in solidarity with Tanushree

Kalki Koechlin, Shilpa Shetty stand in solidarity with Tanushree

Mumbai: Actors Kalki Koechlin, Shilpa Shetty, and Esha Gupta on Saturday joined the bandwagon of Bollywood actors who supported Tanushree Dutta’s bravery to speak up about allegedly being sexually harassed by veteran actor Nana Patekar.

Kalki Koechlin of ‘Dev D.’ fame, while speaking to ANI, said talking about issues pertaining to sexual harassment is the need of the hour.

“We still don’t know what are the rules at a workplace is between men and women. It is good that after a controversy we ask questions, and only after asking questions everyone is educated about it, “added Koechlin.

On the other hand, Shilpa Shetty said after getting to know about the news from social media, she felt really bad “as a woman” for the trauma Tanushree had to go through.

“I just feel that nobody should go through any kind of indignity,” Shetty said.

She further said that a workplace should only be “conducive to work and not violence”. No human being, be it man or a woman should come under any form of pressure, she added.

Speaking to the media, Esha Gupta appreciated Farhan Akhtar for voicing his support for Tanushree.

“All men should get together to fight injustice. I am happy that Farhan Akhtar has reacted strongly in favour of justice,” she said.

She added that the world is about to step in 2019, yet there are cases where women’s voices against justice are being suppressed.

Bollywood actors Priyanka Chopra, Sonam Kapoor Ahuja, Parineeti Chopra, and others have voiced their support for Tanushree Dutta, following her allegations of misbehaviour against veteran actor Nana Patekar.

On September 26, Tanushree alleged that she was harassed by Patekar while shooting for a special dance number in the movie. The former beauty queen also accused dance choreographer Ganesh Acharya of teaming up against her.

The ‘Aashiq Banaya Aapne’ actor further alleged that she and her family were attacked after she refused to perform the intimate step.

from The Siasat Daily

Government policies led to over 3,500 naxal surrender between 2014-17: Modi

Government policies led to over 3,500 naxal surrender between 2014-17: Modi

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that over 3,500 Maoists have surrendered in 2014-17 due to government policies, asserting there has been a drop of over 20 per cent in violence in Naxal-hit areas.

“If we talk on the issue of violence in naxal affected areas, then in the last four-and-a-half years it has dropped by 20 per cent,” Modi said while interacting with BJP workers through videoconferencing on NaMo mobile application.

“Due to the development work and the government policies over 3,500 naxals have surrendered between 2014 and 2017,” the Prime Minister said.

He said that the government has improved development infrastructure in Maoist-affected areas.

Modi was responding a question by a party worker from Chhattisgarh’s Bilaspur.

Modi also asserted that ‘Mera Booth, Sabse Majboot; (my booth strongest) is not only a slogan or the name of a programme. “It is a resolve for every party worker,” he said.

He also said that political parties rarely get a chance to interact with booth-level workers, who know the ground reality better, with the medium of technology.

The Prime Minister was interacting with BJP workers from Chhattisgarh’s Bilaspur, Uttar Pradesh’s Basti, Jharkhand’s Dhanbad, Rajasthan’s Chittorgarh and Madhya Pradesh Mandsaur Lok Sabha seats.

from The Siasat Daily

Volkswagen partners with Microsoft to develop connected cars

Volkswagen partners with Microsoft to develop connected cars

Berlin: In its bid to become a mobility provider with fully connected vehicle fleet, German automobile group Volkswagen has entered into a strategic partnership with Microsoft to leverage the US software giant’s Cloud expertise.

As part of the partnership, the two companies will collaborate to develop the “Volkswagen Automotive Cloud”, a dedicated platform for all future Volkswagen digital services and mobility offerings.

In the future, Volkswagen’s fleet of cars will become mobile Internet of Things (IoT) hubs linked by Microsoft Azure, the German car maker said in a statement this week.

“The strategic partnership with Microsoft will turbocharge our digital transformation,” said Volkswagen CEO Herbert Diess.

Via the Volkswagen Automotive Cloud, the automobile group plans to optimise the interconnection of vehicle, Cloud-based platform and customer-centric services for all brands.

“Volkswagen is harnessing technology to digitally transform and deliver innovative new connected car services to its customers,” said Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft.

“The world’s leading companies run on Azure, and we are thrilled that Volkswagen has chosen Microsoft. Together we will reimagine the driving experience for people everywhere,” Nadella said.

From 2020 onwards, more than five million new Volkswagen-brand vehicles per year will be fully connected and will be part of the IoT in the Cloud, Volkswagen said.

In the future, all in-car services for vehicles of the core Volkswagen brand as well as the Group-wide Cloud-based platform will be built on Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform and services as well as Azure IoT Edge.

Volkswagen said it would also establish a new automotive Cloud development office in North America near Microsoft’s headquarters.

from The Siasat Daily

Trump, Saudi king discuss oil supply

Trump, Saudi king discuss oil supply

Riyadh: The US President Donald Trump reviewed on Saturday in a phone call with Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud the oil supply for stability of the market, Saudi Press Agency reported.

The two leaders discussed efforts to maintain supplies to ensure the stability of oil market and the growth of global economy.

Oil supply and prices are common interests of the US and Saudi Arabia.

Media reports said that Saudi Arabia would raise oil outputs in the coming months to deal with the drop in Iranian oil production and might limit outputs next year to balance global supply and demand when the US pumps more quantities of crude.

The two leaders also discussed developments in the region and the world.

from The Siasat Daily

RBI monetary policy, NBFC default concerns to steer equity indices

RBI monetary policy, NBFC default concerns to steer equity indices

Mumbai: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI)’s monetary policy review along with release of key macro data points and concerns regarding the stability of the NBFC segment will influence the trends on key equity indices next week.

According to analysts, high crude oil prices and directional flows of foreign funds will be the other major themes for the market’s movement.

“RBI policy meet next week is the key event; market is pricing a 25 bps (basis points) rate hike,” said Vinod Nair, Head of Research at Geojit Financial Services.

D.K. Aggarwal, Chairman and Managing Director of SMC Investments and Advisors, said steady fund outflows, ongoing global trade war concerns and surging oil prices are putting pressure on the domestic currency and therefore, “it is expected that RBI may raise interest rates in early October, despite relatively tame inflation”.

According to Nair, investors are yet to gain confidence due to lack of liquidity, margin funding and short selling in the market. Weak sentiment is likely to extend till the financial market stabilises, he added.

Along with the central bank’s monetary policy, the market would also take cues from the Purchasing Managers’ Index for September due in the week.

On the technical front, Nifty50 on the National Stock Exchange is likely to receive support at 10,850 points, said Deepak Jasani, Head of Retail Research at HDFC Securities, adding that immediate resistance is seen at 11,050 points.

In the week gone by, the Nifty50 closed at 10,930.45 points on Friday, down 212.65 points or 1.91 per cent from the previous week’s close.

Similarly, the Sensex closed at 36,227.14 points, lower 614.46 points or 1.67 per cent from its previous weekly close.

In terms of investments, provisional figures from the stock exchanges showed that foreign institutional investors sold scrips worth Rs 3,713.09 crore, while the domestic institutional investors bought Rs 8,437.32 crore worth of stocks during the week.

According to National Securities Depository (NSDL) figures, foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) divested Rs 511.65 crore, or $68.82 million, in the equities segment during the week ended September 28.

On the currency front, the Indian rupee closed at 72.48 a US dollar on Friday, 28 paise weaker from the previous week’s close of 72.20.

In the coming week, the rupee is expected to be within a range of 72-73 per US dollar, said Anindya Banerjee, Deputy Vice President for Currency and Interest Rates, Kotak Securities.

He further said that heavy RBI intervention would continue to keep the rupee steady in spite of the massive foreign fund outflows from the equity and debt markets.

“Next week markets will keep a close watch on developments related to IL&FS, as any development related to it impacts the stock markets and in turn the rupee,” Banerjee said.

from The Siasat Daily

Elon Musk to step down as Tesla Chairman, pay $20 million to settle lawsuit

"When companies and corporate insiders make statements, they must act responsibly," SEC Chairman Jay Clayton said.

Elon Musk to step down as Tesla Chairman, pay $20 million to settle lawsuit

Washington: Elon Musk has reached a deal over fraud charges that will see him step down as electric automaker Tesla’s chairman of the board and pay a $20 million fine but stay on as CEO, US securities regulators said Saturday.

The agreement eases pressure on Tesla’s embattled CEO, who faced potentially being barred from serving as an officer or board member of a publicly traded company as a result of the charges, which stemmed from a tweet by Musk about taking the company private.

“The settlements, which are subject to court approval, will result in comprehensive corporate governance and other reforms at Tesla — including Musk’s removal as chairman of the Tesla board — and the payment by Musk and Tesla of financial penalties” of $20 million each, the Securities and Exchange Commission said in a statement.

The SEC had charged Musk with securities fraud, alleging that he misled investors when he tweeted on August 7 that he had “funding secured” to privatise the electric automaker at $420 a share.

That caused a brief spike in Tesla’s share price, leading so-called short-sellers, who have been betting on the stock crashing for years, to lose millions.

The SEC said Musk’s statements on Twitter were “false and misleading” and that he had never discussed the plans with company officials or potential funders.

Musk said he later decided against the plan.

“When companies and corporate insiders make statements, they must act responsibly,” SEC Chairman Jay Clayton said.

Under the agreement — which Clayton said was “in the best interests of our markets and our investors, including the shareholders of Tesla” — Musk will be ineligible to serve as chairman of the board for a period of three years and will be replaced by an “independent chairman,” according to the SEC.

‘Prevent further market disruption’

Two “independent directors” will also be appointed by Tesla, and the company will set up a new committee of independent directors and “put in place additional controls and procedures to oversee Musk’s communications,” the SEC said.

The $40 million in financial penalties “will be distributed to harmed investors under a court-approved process.”

“The total package of remedies and relief announced today are specifically designed to address the misconduct at issue by strengthening Tesla’s corporate governance and oversight in order to protect investors,” said Stephanie Avakian, the SEC’s co-director of enforcement.

“The resolution is intended to prevent further market disruption and harm to Tesla’s shareholders,” SEC co-director of enforcement Steven Peikin said.

Tesla’s shares plummeted around 14 percent on Friday over concerns about the company’s future after the announcement of the fraud charges against Musk, which were a fresh blow to the mercurial Silicon Valley entrepreneur and his company.

Musk has baffled investors with emotional and seemingly erratic media appearances, including one where he appeared to smoke marijuana, and a public battle with a rescuer who helped save a group of boys trapped in a cave in Thailand, whom he termed a “pedo guy.”

Tesla is seeking to ramp up production of its Model 3, the mass-market vehicle seen as a key to the automaker’s future.

It had struggled to overcome production bottlenecks in recent months for the Model 3, but now faces other logistical issues, according to Musk.

from The Siasat Daily

N Korea highlights US’ non-cooperation in denuclearisation at UN

N Korea highlights US’ non-cooperation in denuclearisation at UN

New York: Pointing out lack of cooperation from the United States (US) in disarmament efforts, North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho has said that they will not denuclearise the Korean peninsula unilaterally.

Speaking at the 73rd United Nations General Assembly session, Ri called upon Washington to keep its promises made during the Singapore summit that took place between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in June.

Ri further underscored that North Korea doesn’t see a “corresponding response” from the US to Pyongyang’s early disarmament efforts and added that the US is, instead, continuing sanctions to mount pressure on North.

“Conception that sanctions can bring us on our knees is a pipe dream of people who don’t know us. The continued sanctions are deepening our mistrust and deadlocking the current diplomacy,” he added.

He further noted that the reason behind the current deadlock is that the US is relying on the coercive methods that “prevent trust building.”

Stating that implementation of the joint declaration, signed in June summit is in the best interests of the US, the foreign minister added, “If it (North Korea) becomes the victim of the US internal politics, the primary victim will be the US itself.”

The Singapore summit witnessed the signing of the joint declaration according to which the North Korean leader committed for “complete denuclearisation of Korean Peninsula”, while the US President pledged “security guarantees” to North Korea.

from The Siasat Daily

Vijaya Bank approves merger with Bank of Baroda, Dena Bank

Vijaya Bank approves merger with Bank of Baroda, Dena Bank

Bengaluru: The Board of Vijaya Bank on Saturday approved the merger with Bank of Baroda and Dena Bank, as per a proposal made by the government earlier this month.

The state-owned lender’s decision comes days after the Dena Bank gave its stamp of approval on the three-way bank merger.

“Pursuant to Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, we wish to inform that the Board of Directors of the Bank at their meeting held today, that is, 29th September 2018 has considered and decided to give its “In-principle approval” for amalgamation of Vijaya Bank along with the Bank of Baroda and Dena Bank, in line with the Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, Government of India proposal dated 17th September 2018 subject to all statutory/regulatory approvals,” a statement from the bank read.

In a notification of exchanges, the bank stated that the “amalgamation would enable the creation of a bank with the business scale comparable to global banks and capable of competing effectively in India and globally”.

Underscoring the fact that the amalgamation would lead to greater scale and synergy, the bank said that “it would lead to cost benefits, higher productivity and efficiency of the banking system as a whole. In addition, it would provide the impetus for building banks with scale, ramping up credit growth, adoption best practices across amalgamating entities for cost efficiency
and improved risk management and financial inclusion through wider reach.”

The merger of the three banks, which was decided by the Centre on September 17, will make the entity the third largest lender of the country after State Bank of India and the HDFC Bank.

from The Siasat Daily

CBDT instructs CCITs to mop up tax collection

CBDT instructs CCITs to mop up tax collection

New Delhi: Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) Chairman Sushil Chandra chaired a meeting of Chief Commissioners of Income Tax Department (CCITs) posted in various states through video conferencing and asked them to mop up tax collection.

Chandra, while speaking to ANI, said that net collection was below expectations, as progress was not being made on the Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) front. He also said that states like West Bengal, Bihar, Chennai, and Nagpur region were not performing as expected in terms of tax collection.

“Chief Commissioners have been given targets and timelines to work upon. I will directly watch the progress of their collections at regular intervals. Chief Commissioners have also been told that recovery efforts should be made for pending demands. Income tax officers have been told that extra efforts should be made for appeal disposals to be settled as early as possible,” he added.

Chandra further said that he was confident of achieving direct tax collection target of Rs 11.5 lakh crore in the current fiscal.

from The Siasat Daily

Siasat ki khabrein 30-9-18

Siasat ki khabrein 30-9-18

from The Siasat Daily

Kerala ‘Muezzin’ averts major catastrophe using loudspeakers

Making sure everyone's okay, Ali ran back to the mosque and started alerting people living in its vicinity using the mosque loudspeakers.

Kerala ‘Muezzin’ averts major catastrophe using loudspeakers

MALLAPURAM: A major catastrophe was prevented due to the ‘quick thinking and timely intervention’ by a Kerala ‘Muezzin’ at Malappuram district’s Chelari area on Friday evening.

According to New18 reports, 30-old Muhammad Ali Chonari, who happened to be working as a ‘Muezzin’ at Panambra Juma Masjid woke up at 2:35 am on hearing a loud noise followed by the smell of gas leakage.

Ali went to the spot with water sensing possibilities of a fire mishap and noticed the LPG tanker truck overturned at a low-lying area with an injured driver, who was later taken to a hospital.

“When I reached the spot, I saw a huge tanker lying overturned with a strong smell of gas, but the driver who hurt his back was trying to turn the ignition off as the gas was leaking fast,” he said, adding that it took some time to turn the ignition off.

When fire authorities arrived on the scene and started the rescue operation, the young ‘Muezzin’ sprung into action.

Making sure everyone’s okay, Ali ran back to the mosque and started alerting people living in its vicinity using the mosque loudspeakers since it only takes one spark to start a fire that could end in disaster.

“Since the power supply was tripped in the area I asked the residents to desist from using any kind of fire or electrical appliances in their houses, including power backup systems,” said Ali.

Investigation of the spot has revealed that the driver of the tanker reportedly lost control of the vehicle while negotiating a curve at Panambra in the National Highway.​

Don’t you think, Ali should be rewarded for his exemplary courage and quickly thinking?

from The Siasat Daily

Jitendra Singh lauds Army for “exemplary” surgical strike

Jitendra Singh lauds Army for “exemplary” surgical strike

Jammu: As India marks two years of the 2016 surgical strike which was carried out in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office Jitendra Singh lauded the Indian Army for guarding the country against foreign aggression and internal militancy.

“We have to admit that we are proud of our security forces. We have the best army in the world. We are eternally indebted to them. The manner in which they have been guarding us against foreign aggression and internal militancy is exemplary,” Singh said in an interview to ANI.

It was on September 18, 2016 when four Pakistani terrorists attacked the Indian Army at Uri in the state, killing 19 soldiers.

Avenging the attack, on September 29, 2016, the Indian Army conducted a surgical strike across the Line of Control (LoC) in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) and destroyed terrorist launch pads completely, killing many terrorists.

In order to commemorate the second anniversary of the surgical strike, the central government has organised a three-day Army exhibition, Parakram Parv, to celebrate the occasion.

The event, organised by Konark Corps, is aimed at showcasing the might of the Indian Army and its contribution to nation building.

Parakram Parv will be celebrated till September 30.

from The Siasat Daily

Rishi Kapoor leaves for US for medical treatment

Rishi Kapoor leaves for US for medical treatment

Mumbai: Veteran actor Rishi Kapoor says he was taking a “short leave from work” to go to the US for medical treatment because of the “wear and tear” caused due to working in Bollywood for over four decades.

Rishi, 66, on Saturday took to Twitter, where he asked his fans and followers to not to worry or speculate.

“Hello all! I am taking a short leave of absence from work to go to America for some medical treatment. I urge my well wishers not to worry or unnecessarily speculate. It’s been 45 years ‘plus’ of wear and tear at the movies,” Rishi wrote.

“With your love and good wishes, I will be back soon!”

Rishi made his acting debut in Bollywood with “Mera Naam Joker” in 1970. He was later seen in films like “Bobby”, “Khel Khel Mein”, “Kabhie Kabhie”, “Karz”, “Amar Akbar Anthony”, “Hum Kisise Kum Naheen”, “Rafoo Chakkar”, “Bol Radha Bol”, “Fanaa”, “Love Aaj Kal” and “Kapoor & Sons” among many others.

He was last seen onscreen in “Mulk” and will next be seen in “Rajma Chawal” by Leena Yadav.

from The Siasat Daily

New Pakistan’ cast in the mold of the old: India at UN

New Pakistan’ cast in the mold of the old: India at UN

New York: Rejecting Pakistan Foreign Minister Mehmood Shah Qureshi’s statement against India at the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), Eenam Gambhir, India’s First Secretary in Permanent Mission of India to UN, has said, “New Pakistan cast in the mold of the old.”

Exercising a Right of Reply, Gambhir, in the UNGA general debate, called out Pakistan’s baseless allegations levelled against India while saying that New Delhi orchestrated terror activities in Islamabad.

Referring to Qureshi’s statement where he alleged India’s involvement in the 2014 Peshawar school attack, the Indian diplomat said, “Among the most outrageous was the preposterous allegation relating to the horrific terror attack on a Peshawar school four years ago. Let me recollect for the new government of Pakistan the outpouring of sorrow and pain in India that followed the massacre of innocent children in 2014. Both houses of India’s Parliament had expressed solidarity while paying respect to the memory of those killed. Schools all over India had observed two minutes of silence in their memory.”

She further asserted that these allegations are a part of Pakistan’s attempt to look away from the “monster of terror” that it has itself created to “destabilise its neighbours and covet their territory.”
Gambhir also established the importance of the state of Jammu and Kashmir saying that it is an integral part of India and continue to be so.
Aiming at Pakistan’s claim of fighting terrorism, India asked Pakistan to deny being the host and patron of 132 of the UN-designated terrorists and 22 terrorist entities under the 1267 and the 1988 UN Security Council sanctions regime.

Gambhir also questioned the freedom experienced by UN-designated terrorist Hafiz Saeed’s in Pakistan as he continued to set up candidates for electoral office.

Taking a dig at Pakistan’s newly-found appreciation of upholding Human Rights, the Indian diplomat quoted the example of appointment and removal of Princeton economist, Professor Atif Mian’s from the Economic Advisory Council on grounds that he belongs to a `minority’.
“Before preaching to the world, championing of human rights should begin at home,” Gambhir added.

Gambhir also slammed Qureshi for his comment where he said that New Delhi cancelled the meeting of the foreign ministers of India and Pakistan on “flimsy ground.”

“The new Foreign Minister of Pakistan chose to term the gruesome killing of our security personnel by Pakistani sponsored terrorists as ‘flimsy’ grounds. While it may not be the case for Pakistan, for India every loss of life counts. Hence our belief that talks and terror cannot go together,” she noted.

“Pakistan must demonstrate that it has moved beyond a narrative of distortion, deception and deceit,” Gambhir added while snubbing Pakistan’s fake claims and allegations.

from The Siasat Daily

Saudi Arabia, allies slam ‘biased’ UN resolution on Yemen

Saudi Arabia, allies slam ‘biased’ UN resolution on Yemen

Riyadh: Saudi Arabia and key allies have denounced as “biased” a resolution that renewed a UN-backed investigation of alleged war crimes in Yemen, where Riyadh leads a coalition battling Shiite rebels.

The condemnation was issued in a joint statement released late Friday by the Riyadh-backed Yemen government, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt.

It comes after the UN Human Rights Council voted to extend an international probe of alleged war crimes committed in Yemen by both the Saudi-led coalition and the Shiite Huthi rebels.

“We are left with a resolution which is biased, and which clearly contradicts the clear mandate laid out by the United Nations Security Council,” said the joint statement.

Rights council members voted in favour of the resolution in Geneva on Friday by 21 to 8, with 18 abstentions.

Saudi Arabia and its allies bemoaned what they said was the council’s “failure to achieve consensus”.

“In particular, we are disappointed that certain member states failed to consider the real and legitimate concerns of those states who are most affected by the situation in Yemen,” their joint statement said.

The resolution showed “disregard for Yemen’s sovereign right to give its consent to cooperate with international resolutions that deal directly with the human rights situation on its own territory”, it added.

On the eve of the vote, the Yemeni government had announced it was ending its cooperation with the UN human rights mission, accusing it of bias in an August report on alleged war crimes.

The report accused both government forces and the Huthi rebels of violations of international law.

It also said that air strikes carried out by the Saudi-led coalition had caused “most of the documented civilian casualties” in Yemen and voiced “serious concerns about the targeting process applied by the coalition”.

The conflict has left nearly 10,000 people since the coalition intervened in March 2015, when President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi fled into exile as the rebels closed in on his last stronghold.

It has sparked the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, with three quarters of the population — or 22 million people — in need of humanitarian aid, according to UN figures.

from The Siasat Daily

Misty Sunday morning in Delhi

Misty Sunday morning in Delhi

New Delhi: It was a misty morning in the national capital on Sunday with the minimum temperature recorded at 24.4 degrees Celsius, one notch above the season’s average.

“The sky will remain clear throughout the day,” an India Meteorological Department official said.

The maximum temperature was likely to hover around 35 degrees Celsius.

Humidity at 8.30 a.m. was recorded at 91 per cent.

Saturday’s maximum temperature settled at 35.2 degrees Celsius, while the minimum temperature was recorded at 23.4 degrees Celsius, both one notch above the season’s average.

from The Siasat Daily

Factors linked to mortality after traumatic brain injury

Factors linked to mortality after traumatic brain injury

Washington: Model system researchers have identified factors linked to mortality among individuals aged 16 years and older who were more than one year post- traumatic brain injury (TBI).

The research team, which included investigators from five regional TBI Model Systems, analysed data from the database of the TBI Model System National Data and Statistical Center.

They identified 1,163 decedents and 10,839 matched controls and examined the following physical, cognitive and psychosocial outcomes: Functional Independence Measure (FIM), Extended Glasgow Outcome Scale, Disability Rating Scale, Participation Assessment with Recombined Tool Objective, and Satisfaction With Life Scale.

Co-author Erica Weber said, “Among individuals who died, we found significantly poorer performance on all measures.”

“Most significant was the difference in FIM Motor scores, which points to independence in mobility as an important factor for long-term survival in this population. Another big difference was in community participation,” she added.

The study shows the need for a longer and more detailed study of health and lifestyle factors in the TBI population.

“By identifying modifiable risk factors, we can develop strategies for prevention and early intervention, which will reduce the risk of death and improve the lives of individuals and caregivers,” concluded Weber.

The full findings are present in the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation.

from The Siasat Daily

FBI reaches out to Kavanaugh’s second victim

FBI reaches out to Kavanaugh’s second victim

Washington: The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has contacted the second victim, Deborah Ramirez who has accused Supreme Court Judge Nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

Ramirez had accused Kavanaugh of exposing himself to her at a Yale college party in the 1980s.

On Friday, United States President Donald Trump ordered the FBI to conduct a supplemental investigation into Kavanaugh over Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault allegation.

Trump also conveyed his confidence in the FBI investigation claiming that it might be a “blessing in disguise”.

“The FBI I believe is doing a really great job. They have been all over already. They have free rein. They’re going to do whatever they have to do, whatever it is they do. They’ll be doing things that we’ve never even thought of, and hopefully at the conclusion, everything will be fine,” he added.

The investigation was requested by Republican Party Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona, who supported Kavanaugh on a condition that the nomination of the judge will be delayed and an FBI investigation will be ordered to probe the case. He, however, insisted that the delay should not be more than a week.

Ford, a professor at Palo Alto University in California, had alleged that Kavanaugh had assaulted her during a party in the 1980s when they were both in high school. She had accused Kavanaugh of groping her and attempting to remove her clothes.

Kavanaugh, however, denied all the allegations during the testimony, saying that his reputation and that of his family has been “totally and permanently destroyed”.

from The Siasat Daily

Sabarimala verdict: Shiv Sena calls off Kerala shutdown

Sabarimala verdict: Shiv Sena calls off Kerala shutdown

Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala unit of Shiv Sena on Saturday withdrew its call for a statewide shutdown on Monday to protest the Supreme Court verdict throwing open the Sabarimala temple to all women.

Party’s state secretary M.S. Bhuvendran, who alleged that the apex court verdict overlooked the temple traditions and rituals, said the party has called off the shutdown announced earlier in the day.

He cited bad weather prediction as the reason for withdrawing the shutdown call. The party also felt the shutdown would affect the ongoing flood relief works in the state, he said.

“Monday’s statewide shutdown is in protest against the vedict,” Bhuvendran had said earlier.

In a related development, the Pandalam royal family, which has an integral role in the affairs of the Sabarimala temple, is learnt to have begun legal consultations to file a review petition against the apex court verdict.

The Pandalam Palace is the custodian of Sabarimala temple jewels.

In a majority 4:1 judgment, the top court also read down the provision of Kerala laws that protected the prohibition and said it could not be covered under practices essential and integral to religious practice.

Justice Indu Malhotra, the only woman judge in the five-judges bench, gave a dissenting judgment.

Chief Justice Dipak Misra reading out the judgment, also on behalf of Justice A.M. Khanwilkar, said that subversion of women’s rights under the garb of physiological phenomenon cannot be allowed.

Meanwhile, state police chief Loknath Behra said on Saturday that a lot of work has to be done about welcoming women devotees in the upcoming festival season that begins in November.

“Special arrangements have to be worked for separate queues for women and all such issues concerning women devotees,” said Behra.

from The Siasat Daily

Finding ways to predict cybersickness

Finding ways to predict cybersickness

Washington: Do virtual reality (VR) applications make you feel nauseous? Researchers have now found a way to predict and counteract virtual reality motion sickness.

In a recent study, the researchers found they could predict whether an individual will experience cybersickness (motion sickness caused by virtual reality) by how much they sway in response to a moving visual field. The researchers think that this knowledge will help them to develop counteractions to cybersickness.

Cybersickness involves nausea and discomfort that can last for hours after participating in virtual reality (VR) applications, which have become prevalent in gaming, skills training and clinical rehabilitation.

“Despite decreased costs and significant benefits offered by VR, a large number of users are unable to use the technology for more than a brief period because it can make them feel sick,” Seamas Weech, of Department of Kinesiology and lead author of the paper.

“Our results show that this is partly due to differences in how individuals use vision to control their balance. By refining our predictive model, we will be able to rapidly assess an individual’s tolerance for virtual reality and tailor their experience accordingly,” added Weech.

In conducting their work, the researchers collected several sensorimotor measures, such as balance control and self-motion sensitivity, from 30 healthy participants aged 18-30.

The researchers then exposed the participants to VR with the aim of predicting the severity of motion sickness. Using a regression model, they significantly predicted how much cybersickness participants experienced after being exposed to a zero-gravity space simulator in VR.

“Knowing who might suffer from cybersickness, and why, allows us to develop targeted interventions to help reduce, or even prevent, the onset of symptoms,” said Michael Barnett-Cowan, adding, “Considering this technology is in a growth phase with industries such as gaming, design, medicine and automotive starting to use it, understanding who is negatively impacted and how to help them is crucial.”

The study appears in the Journal of Neurophysiology.

from The Siasat Daily

Quick fixes for a bad hair day!

Quick fixes for a bad hair day!

New Delhi: There are days when your hair just does not feel right, scalp feels oily, greasy, hair falls limp or can feel rough, dry and frizzy. With the stress and rush of modern day living, everybody goes through bad hair days.

When your hair just does not fall well, no matter what you do, just do not fret, says Agnes Chen, Technical Head of Streax Professional.

Chen told ANI some quick fixes that are lifesavers on a bad hair day.

– Put your hair upside down, brush your hair at the roots in the opposite direction, this helps create body and volume. This also helps release dust and oil particles from the roots and creates a feeling of freshness and airiness.

– Spritz your hair with a hair shine spray as this will add incredible shine and fragrance to your otherwise dry and limp hair.

– For unmanageable, wavy, dry and voluminous hair, apply hair potion or hair serum on the mid-lengths and ends, to fix your hair and make it more manageable.

– While you get your hands on these products and try to make your hair settle, you can opt for a hair style that will work for you and make you look like all is well. You can choose from a high ponytail with a fashionable pouf or a messy low bun to camouflage the frizz and dryness.

Another option is a stylish side braid that will look chic and yet control your unmanageable hair.

– When you definitely want to take the attention off your unruly hair, what better way than to accessorise it with a hair band or a hair pin that will up your glamour game and make you look your fashionable best.

Find your way through a bad hair day with these multiple tips that can get you through the day!

from The Siasat Daily

Depression can trigger cardiovascular disease

Depression can trigger cardiovascular disease

New Delhi: It is a known fact that depression is on the rise, especially amongst the middle age group. Currently, it is one of the leading causes of health perils across the world.
For quite some time now, a link between depression and heart disease has been observed. Like heart disease, depression is becoming increasingly common; therefore, it’s not unusual to have both conditions together.

“According to a study, if a person is depressed, then the chances of him/her getting cardiovascular disease (CVD) is 1.5 to 2, in terms of relative risk. Also, if a person is already suffering from acute cardiovascular disease (ACAD) and is depressed, then the risk of suffering severe ACAD doubles,” said Dr. Zakia Khan of Fortis Hospital, Kalyan.

A depressed person is more prone to lead an unhealthy lifestyle and according to Dr Fabian Almeida of Fortis Hospital Kalyan, it can, in turn, have a larger impact on the overall functioning of the heart. A depressed person might be more likely to do the following:

• Excessively consume alcohol, overeat and smoke

• Avoid all kinds of exercise and physical activity

• Feel stressed most of the time; this can raise the risk of abnormal heart rhythms and high blood pressure

• Take medicines incorrectly

The above factors can have the following impact:

• Higher risk of getting a heart attack and occurrence of death

• Slower recovery after getting a heart attack or post a surgery

Therefore, it is vital to work towards keeping both the head and the heart healthy, so that you can live a happy and wholesome life.

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Saturday 29 September 2018

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from Reuters: Entertainment News