Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Hats off to Khalsa Aid who joins relief operation in flood-hit Kerala

Khalsa Aid not only helping the victims in Kerala but also carried out a dedicated rescue operation in Syria or helping the helping refugees fleeing Myanmar or orphans in Haiti.

NEW DELHI: As Kerala battles its worst flood in nearly a century, Khalsa Aid International have come together to the rescue of flood-hit victims.

The UK-based non-profit aid and relief organization have set up a community kitchen in Kochi and are cooking meals to feed food to over 3,000 people. Amarpreet Singh, Asia Pacific managing director of Khalsa Aid told Indian Express:

Our team is currently at Assisi Vidyaniketan Public School, Perumpilly in Kochi and serving langar to 3,000 people. We have adopted this camp. More volunteers will reach there soon.

Photos shared on social media platform went viral online garnering heaps of praise for their efforts.

Known for its philanthropic work at ground-zero, Khalsa Aid not only helping the victims in Kerala but also carried out a dedicated rescue operation in Syria or helped the refugees fleeing Myanmar or orphans in Haiti.

from The Siasat Daily

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