ASUS unveils new gaming laptop starting at Rs 63,990
New Delhi: Expanding its gaming laptop series in India, Taiwan-based technology giant ASUS on Wednesday launched a new gaming laptop “FX504” that is available in three different variants, starting at Rs 63,990.
The three var…Read More
Argentina awaits crucial Senate vote on abortion
Wrap Argentina: After Ireland voted to legalize abortion in May, will Argentina, another traditionally Catholic country, do the same? The country’s senators were set to reach a decision Thursday, amid fiercely polarized camp…Read More
Jaitley attacks Yashwant Sinha, Shourie on Rafale deal ‘falsehood’
New Delhi: Union Minister Arun Jaitley on Wednesday dubbed as “falsehood” and “fabricated facts” former BJP Ministers Yashwant Sinha and Arun Shourie’s claims on the Rafale deal and said that “reprocessed lies were being mad…Read More
Fact check: Story of a cooked up Islam from Haryana
By Prof. Dr.Bahauddeen Muhamemd Nadwi for Muslim Mirror
The ideal verses of the whole scriptures always recommend us to hold firmly to the principles of integrity and morality toward others. Here the recent controversial inc…Read More
Congress seeks reply from Modi on Rafale deal
New Delhi: The Congress on Wednesday slammed Prime Minister Narendra Modi and sought a reply from him on questions being raised on the Rafale deal by two former BJP Ministers Yashwant Sinha and Arun Shourie, who alleged the …Read More
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