Thursday, 2 August 2018

Norway seeks explanation from Israel on seizure of boat bound for Gaza

Norway seeks explanation from Israel on seizure of boat bound for Gaza

Oslo: Slamming Israel for detaining a Norwegian-flagged fishing boat seized while activists tried to sail with aid to the Gaza Strip, Norway’s foreign ministry on Tuesday has asked Israel to explain the legal grounds.

A massive protest procession was taken out against Israel. The protestors had banners and placards in their hands. The slogans were against the arrest of aid workers and seizure of boat. Israel soldiers struck on the head of the captain of the Gaza bound aid boat. The protestors also condemned blockade of Gaza.

Under the blockade, Gaza has suffered an economic crisis creating what the World Bank describes as a “collapse in humanitarian conditions” including access to clean water, medicine and electricity. Numerous activist ships have been prevented from reaching Gaza in recent years.

The spokesman for the Norwegian foreign affairs ministry in Oslo said: “We have asked the Israeli authorities to clarify the circumstances around the seizure of the vessel and the legal basis for the intervention.”

from The Siasat Daily

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