Thursday, 13 September 2018

It was hard to relive parents’ death, shares Sunny Leone

It was hard to relive parents’ death, shares Sunny Leone

New Delhi: Sunny Leone says that the biggest challenge she faced while shooting her biopic web series “Karenjit Kaur: the Untold Story” was working with the characters who played her reel life family.

While addressing a press conference organised following the launch of the series’ second season, Sunny Leony poured he heart out talking about her family. The actress said that she found it hard to relive her parents’ death in series.

“If there is anybody in the audience who has lost their mom or dad, they will understand what it feels like. You bury the sorrow and you heal from the situation. Yes they are not my parents but the feelings are real” the ‘Ek Paheli Leela’ actress said.

Leone said that the best and most important phase of her life is the time spent with her family. “Working comes and goes, people come and go but when you have a family, and since I lost mine, a lot of the family moments that are in my life, is the most important thing for me,” she said.

Speaking about her Husband Daniel Weber and daughter Nisha the actress said, “My marriage is very important to me. Getting Nisha was the most amazing moment.”

In July, Leone celebrated her daughter Nisha Kaur Weber’s first home-coming anniversary. In July 2017, Sunny and husband Daniel adopted Nisha from an orphanage in Latur, Maharashtra.

from The Siasat Daily

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