Monday, 3 September 2018

Not sure what quintessential Bollywood heroine is: Lisa Haydon

Not sure what quintessential Bollywood heroine is: Lisa Haydon

Mumbai: Actress Lisa Haydon, who has featured in films like “Aisha”, “Queen” and “Ae Dil Hai Mushkil”, wonders what the typical Bollywood heroine is as the world of Hindi films has opened up to a whole variety of narratives and portrayals.

Asked if she finds it difficult to fit in as the quintessential Bollywood heroine, Lisa, who has mostly portrayed atypical roles, told IANS here: “I am not sure what the quintessential Bollywood heroine is because there are such varied films and roles that are coming out these days.

“I am really happy with the films that I have done and I really hope I get to do a lot more in the future.”

Lisa finds herself lucky to have played a Paris-based Indian in “Queen” and a stylish, over-the-top woman in “Ae Dil Hai Mushkil”.

“I feel very blessed that I got to do a role like ‘Queen’ and then comedy like ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’, those two characters for me were totally opposite and I really feel like it was such a pleasure to be able to play two characters that were on opposite ends of the spectrum,” she added.

Lisa made her acting debut with a supporting role in the 2010 film “Aisha”, and has also featured in “Housefull 3”.

While she believes there has always been scope for growth, she says she is “very happy and blessed with what I have been able to do so far”.

On the personal front, Lisa in 2017 welcomed her first child, a son named Zack, with husband Dino
Lalvani. They had got married in 2016.

Asked about how motherhood has helped her evolve, Lisa said: “I don’t think you can escape evolution. When you become a mother, so many things change. For one, your priorities change in a major way, and then you have to learn how to juggle things a lot better while still being true to yourself and being the best parent you possibly can.

“But it certainly has given me a different perspective on things. It really brings into focus what’s truly important in life and that is love, of course.”

How is she balancing her personal and professional life?

“I think it balances itself quite evenly with the fact that once I got married and had my baby, I automatically took up different responsibilities and my priorities shifted slightly. Of course, I still love my job and I still love to go to work. It is something I never want to give up,” said the actress, whose first tryst with showbiz was through the modelling world.

In fact, trying to work out her time between home and work gives her joy.

“It brings me a lot of happiness to be a working-professional mom. I think it’s just about making the most wherever you are and picking the best jobs and sticking with it and not doing filler jobs,” she added.

from The Siasat Daily

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