Friday, 21 September 2018

Reconstruction of Israel may take more than half a century: United Nations

Reconstruction of Israel may take more than half a century: United Nations

New York: An official of United Nations said that the destruction caused after 2011 due to war in Syria is so much that its reconstruction may take more than half a century.

Adama Dieng, United Nations Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide while addressing a press conference in New York said world community will have to do much more for the reconstruction of Syria. He told that claiming to fight terrorists, Asad’s regime is killing its own people.

The UN official urged the various groups of Syria to be united on the basis of nationality, not on the basis of caste or religion. Division of Syrian people as Shia, Sunni, and Alvi etc. is uncalled for, he said.

from The Siasat Daily


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