Friday, 26 October 2018

KP doctors, nurses barred from using mobile phones while on duty

KP mobile phones doctors nurses

PESHAWAR: In what is being seen as a move to ensure disciplinary ethics across hospitals, the Khyber Pakhtonkhwa administration has barred doctors and nurses from using cellphones while on duty at all hospitals of the province.

Health Department, KP has issued a circular to all public sector hospitals across the province asking them to strictly enforce the rule.

It may be noted here that a call-attention notice was submitted in the provincial assembly on Thursday seeking a debate over the “excessive use” of mobile phones by doctors and nurses during working hours at hospitals.

The call attention notice was submitted by MPA Nighat Orazkzai of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP). Ms Nighat said it had been observed that doctors and nurses were mostly busy on their mobile phones during their duty hours. “This practice is badly affecting the treatment of patients,” she added.

In some cases, Nighat stated, the condition of the patient deteriorated due to the doctors and nurses’ negligence.

She requested the house to hold a debate over the issue and sought a ban on the use of mobile phones by doctors and nurses during duty hours.

The post KP doctors, nurses barred from using mobile phones while on duty appeared first on ARYNEWS.


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