Sunday, 7 October 2018

KP governor promises 10,000 scholarships for tribal youth

KP Governor Shah Farman

PESHAWAR: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Governor Shah Farman has said that the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government will provide 10,000 scholarships to tribal youth for higher education.

He was talking to a delegation of tribal youth who called on him in Peshawar.

The governor said the youth are builders of the nation and they must also prepare themselves for future responsibilities.

Lately, Prime Minister Imran Khan chaired a high-level meeting to review progress on the implementation of the merger of erstwhile tribal areas with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

He said the federal government will allocate a certain amount in the National Finance Commission (NFC) Award for the uplift of the tribal areas.

The prime minister said efforts will be made to improve health and education facilities, especially girls’ schools. He said a strategy should be devised to provide speedy and inexpensive justice.

He directed to enforce local government system in the tribal areas in line with suggestions and decisions of the people for the development of the tribal belt.

PM Khan said no individual should be rendered jobless as a result of the new administrative measures. He said a quota reserved for tribal people in schools, colleges, and universities should not be adversely impacted in any way, and more job opportunities will be created for the youth of these areas.

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