Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Vivek encounter: Yogi govt. faces heat from his own party men

Vivek encounter: Yogi govt. faces heat from his own party men

Lucknow: BJP leaders including ministers have attacked Yogi Government for police’s inefficiency, insensitivity and brutal attitude. They are also indirectly raising questions on the policy of chief minister Yogi Adityanath.

BJP leaders including ministers and MLAs have written letters to chief minister demanding stringent against senior officials who supported guilty police officers. They lashed out at the state police and exposed in the process caste fault lines in the ruling BJP.

state law minister Brajesh Pathak and Women Welfare Minister Rita Bahuguna Joshi criticised UP government. Pathak said police had deliberately twisted facts in the case including FIR. Rita Joshi said policemen are wreaking havoc. MLAs Rajni Tiwari and Rajesh Kumar Mishra also wrote letters to Yogi Adityanath demanding suspension of DM and SSP.

BJP’s veteran Brahmins face Kalraj Mishra termed the incident as shameful. He said an innocent has been killed for no reason. In a tough tone, he asked how can a policeman shoot a citizen? Who gave him the power to do that? He said there are criminal minded people in the police who need to be controlled.

National president of the party Amit Shah has taken serious note of the situation and according to sources he has directed Yogi and his deputy to immediately bring the law and order situation under control.

from The Siasat Daily

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