Wednesday, 19 December 2018

J-K Guv chairs security review meeting in Udhampur

J-K Guv chairs security review meeting in Udhampur

Udhampur: Jammu and Kashmir governor Satya Pal Malik on Tuesday chaired a meeting to take a detailed review of various security-related issues, including counter infiltration and counter-terrorist operations, at the Headquarters of Northern Army Command in Udhampur.

During the meeting, the governor took note of details of the counter-infiltration and counter-terrorist operations undertaken recently, according to an official statement.

Along with the governor, the meeting was attended by senior officers of the State, police, Army, Central Police Forces (CPF) and Central Intelligence Agencies (CAG).

The governor, during the meeting, reiterated the vital importance of the laid down Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) initiated by the Army and all security forces to avoid incidents of civilian casualties and collateral damages. The governor also laid emphasis on the crucial importance of sustained collaborative action between the Armed Forces and the State police with the civil administration in dealing with difficult situations particularly to ensure against the loss of civilian lives.

Malik further stressed the need for a heightened vigil and ensuring the safety of protected persons and the security of all important establishments and installations. He lauded the role played by the security forces in the incident free conduct of polls to the Urban local bodies and Panchayats.

from The Siasat Daily

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