Saturday, 8 December 2018

Pakistan knocked India down with Kartarpur initiative: Indian media

NEW DEHLI: The initiative of Pakistan to open Kartarpur border knocked India down on the diplomatic front, a fact that Indian media has also acknowledged lately, ARY News reported. 

As per details, the Indian media outlets grilled Prime Minister Narendra Modi for not reciprocating to peace offers made by the Pakistan’s new administration.

Calling it “foolishness” on the part of Modi’s government, the news channels of his own country severely criticized their administration’s policies of running away from the bilateral dialogue with Pakistan.

The Indian media highlighted that their primer minister is misinterpreting his Pakistani counterpart Imran Khan and has been looking at him from the lens of ousted premier Nawaz Sharif.

The Modi government has further increased the gulf with the new Pakistani government after refusing to sit on negotiation table, the Indian media said.

In a historical event on November 28, Prime Minister Imran Khan laid the foundation stone of Kartarpur Corridor which was also attended by Indian ministers Navjot Singh Sidhu, Harsimrat Kaur Badal and Hardeep Singh Puri on the invitation of the Pakistan government.

The very day Indian Minister for External Affairs Sushma Swaraj announced that “opening of Kartarpur corridor does not imply beginning of any bilateral dialogue with Pakistan.”

Brushing off all chances of improvement in ties between the arch-rivals, Indian minister categorically said, “Until and unless Pakistan stops terrorist activities in India, there will be no dialogue and we will not participate in Saarc [conference].”

The post Pakistan knocked India down with Kartarpur initiative: Indian media appeared first on ARYNEWS.


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