Wednesday 31 January 2018

Trump's entire State of the Union address

Trump's entire State of the Union address
President Donald Trump sought to infuse his maiden State of the Union address Tuesday with an undercurrent of optimism, issuing a call for Democrats and Republicans to look past deep national divisions in order to do good by the American people. Even as he worked to bridge growing national schisms, however, Trump didn't avoid the dark warnings about immigrants and nods to populist nationalism that have helped foment disunity over the past year. Over the course of his 80-minute address -- one of the longest-running State of the Union speeches in history -- Trump heralded the economic successes of his first year in office, including a soaring stock market and low unemployment. He trumpeted the large package of tax cuts he signed into law last year and proclaimed that a regulatory rollback has allowed industries to thrive. And he staged several emotional moments with invited guests sitting in the first lady's box, including the parents of Otto Warmbier, who died after being returned to the United States by his North Korean captors.


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