Saturday, 24 February 2018

Nadra chief makes surprise visits to centres in Karachi, suspends two staffers

KARACHI: In a surprise move, National Database Registration Authority (Nadra) Chairman Usman Mubeen visited numerous centres of the authority here, disguising himself as a common citizen to witness the operations.

He joined the queue of applicants without disclosing his identity and interacted with them until his turn came.

According to Nadra spokesperson, Mubeen heard the grievances of people and observed the entire proceedings of procuring Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) at the SITE centre.

The chairman witnessed the staff were redundantly causing difficulties for the applicants, besides two counters at the centre were vacant.

At his turn, the staff raised objections on the application submitted by Mubeen and they refused a CNIC to a resident of another city.

He maintained that a Pakistan citizen can obtain an identity card from any Nadra centre across the country.

He then suspended two staff members, including a female employee, over causing excessive trouble for the citizens.

“Strict actions are to be taken against the officials causing trouble to citizens visiting the Nadra centres,” Mubeen warned.

Later, the chairman also paid surprised visits to other centres in the city.

The post Nadra chief makes surprise visits to centres in Karachi, suspends two staffers appeared first on ARYNEWS.


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