Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Nawaz threatens to spill the beans on 2014 sit-in

Nawaz Sharif

ISLAMABAD: Ousted Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Wednesday took potshot at the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) for dismissing his proposal to form a national commission in the wake of his controversial statement about the Mumbai attacks.

Speaking to reporters outside the accountability court in Islamabad, the former premier said the Imran Khan-led party not only lacks character, but ideology as well.

He said the PTI is a party that indulges in character assassination, looks toward the umpire’s finger, and disregards the sanctity of vote.

He was responding to a query about his response to the PTI turning down his proposal for formation of a commission to probe his statement and determine, what he said, who the real traitors are?

Slamming the PTI government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the PML-N supreme leader said everything is evident in the province and that the people have seen the change that the party flaunts. No work has been done in the province, he claimed.

Mr. Sharif said he will also spill the beans on the 2014 sit-in held by the PTI and Tahirul Qadri-led PAT in Islamabad at an appropriate time.

He claimed Imran Khan was not alone, but many hands were behind the sit-in over alleged massive rigging in 2013 polls.

The post Nawaz threatens to spill the beans on 2014 sit-in appeared first on ARYNEWS.


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