Friday, 4 May 2018

Nawaz’s lawyer cross-examines IO of Avenfield case

Nawaz Sharif

ISLAMABAD: An accountability court resumed today hearing of the Avenfield properties case against former premier Nawaz Sharif, and members of his family.

Judge Muhammad Bashir is presiding over the trial proceedings in the federal capital. Sharif, his daughter Maryam Nawaz and son-in-law retired Captain Muhammad Safdar appeared before the court.

Sharifs’ lawyer Khawaja Haris is cross-examining a prosecution witness, investigation officer Imran Dogar of the Avenfield case.

During his testimony, the witness explained how the bureau verifies a complaint when it is filed with it as per NAB Ordinance 1999.

After verification of the complaint, he added, an inquiry is launched into a matter and then converted into an investigation after the bureau finds sufficient evidence.

He said the Avenfield reference was filed against the Sharif family in compliance with directives of the Supreme Court.

As per Avenfield Properties reference, Sharif, his brood and his son-in-law had purchased four flats in Park Lane, UK, without legitimate financial means. However, the former premier and his family members have consistently claimed that they were legally gained.

The post Nawaz’s lawyer cross-examines IO of Avenfield case appeared first on ARYNEWS.


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