Sunday, 21 October 2018

Gurgaon : 4 sibling of a family hang themselves

The kins ended their lives around five to seven days ago.

Gurgaon : 4 sibling of a family hang themselves

Gurgaon: Depressed after deaths of parents, four member of a family committed suicide by hanging from a ceiling fan in Faridabad’s Dayal Bagh colony on Saturday.

According to The Indian Express reports, the four siblings — three sisters and their brother, identified as Meena Mathews, Beena Mathews, Jaya Mathews and Pradeep Mathews, were aged between 37 and 42.

The police have recovered a suicide note dated October 18 that was found at the spot, in which they have blamed financial woes and the death of their mother, father and brother in the span of the last one year as reasons for taking the extreme step.

The kins ended their lives around five to seven days ago.

“A call was received around 10.30 on Saturday morning, complaining of a smell from one of the flats in Dayal Bagh. I went to the spot with my team and found the complaint to be credible, so I called the crime and FSL teams and we broke down the door,” said sub-inspector Randhir Singh, who is in-charge of Dayal Bagh police post.

“We found the bodies of four people — three women and one man — hanging from the ceiling fans. A suicide note was also found in the house,” he said.

Their bodies were sent to BK Hospital for a post-mortem examination.

from The Siasat Daily

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