Thursday, 3 January 2019

Ideas will be more important in future, says Fawad Chaudhry

ISLAMABAD: Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry on Thursday said that the ideas will be more important than arms in future adding censorship will become obsolete in future.

He was addressing a ceremony a ceremony at the Press Information Department (PID) in Islamabad.

Information Minister said in future government’s won’t be able to use censorship. He questioned “what is the fifth generation war? It is the battle of ideas.”

Chaudhry said that the information group now gaining importance in the world, social media is growing at fast speed, while the print media could not seems to survive in future.

The minister said that the past governments used advertisements for their benefits but this government could not give the taxpayers’ money over a limit.

The minister highlighted the need of introducing 100 percent change in the field of information. He said our economy is being hurt with existing ways of the media.

He said the state radio and television are not feasible and could not compete in existing situation.

Fawad Chaudhry said that in 60’s we were able to manufacture our own radio transmitters. Now we import everything from outside.

He said Pakistan’s importance was not highlighted in the past.

Talking on Basant celebrations, the minister said the festival has also an economic impact as companies allocate funds for the the event.

The post Ideas will be more important in future, says Fawad Chaudhry appeared first on ARYNEWS.


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