Thursday, 3 January 2019

SC bans oral transfer of land by patwarkhanas

Supreme Court land transfer patwaris

ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court of Pakistan on Thursday imposed a ban on oral sale and purchase of land by patwaris (land clerk) in different cities of Punjab, ARY News reported.

According to the apex court, no land would now be transferred orally as being practised by patwaris.

Chief Justice Mian Saqib Nisar heard the matter at the Supreme Court today.

During the hearing, the CJP remarked that the government wouldn’t get a penny if patwarkhanas were ordered to close. Counsel of the Punjab government said transfer of land was conducted orally in rural cities of the province.

“What if we ban the sale and purchase of land through this means”, asked the CJP.

He regretted that the world had taken to the moon, ‘but we couldn’t even get our record computerized.’

He questioned the existence of patwarkhanas in urban areas where land revenue’s documentation was already on the record.

The Supreme Court later imposed a ban on oral transfer of land and ordered that land would be sold only through registered sale deed.

‘We don’t need a patwari system…land will be transferred only through proper registration,’ he added.

During the last hearing on Dec 3, Justice Nisar had said remarked that no serious efforts had been made for urbanisation. “According to which law is the patwar circle functioning [when the Punjab Land Revenue Authority had already been established],” inquired the chief justice.

The Supreme Court had taken suo motu notice on record tampering and corruption at patwarkhanas.

The post SC bans oral transfer of land by patwarkhanas appeared first on ARYNEWS.


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