Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Dr Shahid Masood earns SC’s wrath for ‘mocking’ law officer in TV talk show

Dr ShahidMasood

ISLAMABAD: Anchorperson Dr Shahid Masood seemed to have landed himself in a serious trouble as the Supreme Court on Tuesday hinted at charging him with contempt of court.

Headed by Chief Justice Mian Saqib Nisar, a bench of the apex court, was hearing a case pertaining to the anchorperson’s claims about the convicted murderer and rapist of Kasur’s little Zainab.

At the outset of the hearing, Dr Masood came in for a lot of flak for mocking a federal law officer in his TV talk show following the previous hearing on March 12.

The chief justice expressed extreme displeasure over him, saying: “How dare Shahid Masood mocked my law officer.”

The bench while calling for a short break asked the court office to get an electronic screen projector ready to view his recent news programme in which he was seen supposedly mocking the state counsel.

CJP Nisar observed that he would himself frame contempt charges against the anchorperson after watching the programme.

In the previous hearing,  the apex court said it will proceed against Dr Shahid Masood after a probe committee found his startling claims about the convicted murderer and rapist of Kasur’s Zainab false and baseless.

The chief justice expressed dissatisfaction over the anchor’s reply, saying he didn’t tender an apology over his accusations in his written statement.

He said he would take action against him in accordance with law.

Dr Masood’s lawyer said his client wanted to apologize formally in front of the bench to which the chief justice said he had made it clear in the previous hearing that the time to seek pardon had passed.

He said a recording of the anchor’s late night talk show wherein he urged him to take notice of his claims about the ‘serial killer’ will be played in the court.

The chief justice said the court would determine how long the news channel and the anchor’s talk show in question could be ordered to remain off air.

Masood had claimed the murderer of Zainab, Imran Ali, owned foreign currency accounts and a whole gang was behind him.

He went on to claim that a highly influential political figure was either backing or involved in the child pornography racket working in Kasur, a group which had been making unethical videos of children and then uploading them on dark web.

The post Dr Shahid Masood earns SC’s wrath for ‘mocking’ law officer in TV talk show appeared first on ARYNEWS.

from ARYNEWS http://ift.tt/2G7gKT3

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