Sunday, 25 November 2018

Irregularities in Minorities Finance Corporation, probe ordered

Irregularities in Minorities Finance Corporation, probe ordered

Hyderabad: TRS Govt. claims that it has allocated Rs. 2000 crore for the welfare of Minorities. It is also giving a wider publicity of this allocation. It is better if utilization of this budget is also given. At various levels, complaints of misuse of funds are being registered. In one such case, huge misappropriation of funds of Minorities Finance Corporation has come to limelight.

According to the details of the scam, a private institution received Rs. 15000 per candidate for imparting training of beautician course to the poor girls but the real number of beneficiaries shown in the report is fake.

It is reported that a private institution in Banjara Hills organized certificate distribution function at a time when election code of conduct is in vogue. Despite this, the chairman of the corporation distributed certificates. It is alleged that the institution in connivance with the corporation collected huge amounts for imparting three months beautician training. In 2017-18, corporation had fixed the ceilings of 500 students but only 300 applicants registered for the course. The institution received money for all the three hundred candidates but imparted training to only 100 candidates. In the certificate distribution function, only a few candidates were invited. Most of the audience consisted of the employees of the institution.

A candidate complained that the training was imparted only for two weeks and certificate of completion of three months training was awarded. It is also alleged that in the name of free training Rs. 150-300 were collected towards registration fees. It is further alleged that in the name of imparting training to the poor girls, girls from wealthy families were selected.

MD of Finance Corporation, Mr. M.A. Waheed decided to investigate the matter to bring the facts to limelight.

from The Siasat Daily

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