Thursday, 1 November 2018

Sindh resource-rich province, generates 70pc of revenue : CM Murad


KARACHI: Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah on Wednesday said that Sindh is a resource-rich province of the country which generates 70 percent of revenue.

Addressing a delegation of Foreign Service of Pakistan (FSP) officers of 38th Specialized Diplomatic Course here at CM House, the province is rich in resources and the resources only need to be utilized in a productive manner.

Talking about Thar coal, CM Murad said, “it is black gold and there are huge deposits in the desert. The coal mining and power projects were started by Shaheed Benazir Bhutto in her second tenure but her successive government could not understand their national benefits and scrapped them in their entirety.”

He said that the mining work was in full swing and the power project was near completion. “By the end of December 2019 we would start power generation,” he said and added “it would be a great realization of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto’s dream and it would be the beginning of ending energy crisis in the country,” he said.

The CM continued that the wind corridor of Jhimpir has the potential of generating 50,000 MW. “We have taken an impressive start and generating over 1000 MW from wind corridor and also working on solar energy generation,” he said and added that people of Sindh have already started switching over to solar energy, reads the statement.

“Now we are working on Karachi Circular Railway (KCR) and Inshallah it would be established with the help of China,” he said and added,  “The solution of our public transport issue lies in KCR and environmentally it was best project,” he said.

To another question, he said that the Irrigation system of the province was one of the best systems in the world. “Our system is efficient but it suffers from water shortage and we started canal lining so that conservation can be made,” he said.

Education Minister Syed Sardar Shah, Advisor on Information Murtaza Wahab, Chairman P&D M. Waseem, IG Sindh Kaleem Imam, Principal Secretary to CM Sajid Jamal Abro and provincial secretaries were present on the occasion.

The post Sindh resource-rich province, generates 70pc of revenue : CM Murad appeared first on ARYNEWS.


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