Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Some lesser known facts about Adam Levine

Some lesser known facts about Adam Levine

Washington DC, [USA] Nov 21 (ANI): It was not always as glamorous and lavish for Adam Levine. The singer worked at a restaurant after his first record deal fell through.

Reflecting on the initial years of his career, the singer said that he took a job in the food outlets after his first gig into the music industry didn’t work out.

“Technically my first job was a musician because I got signed to a record label at a young age, so I did get paid for that. But then I got a job at Johnny Rockets when that record deal didn’t work out, and then I got a job as a (production assistant) on a TV show actually,” People quoted Levine as saying.

The ‘Girls Like You’ also revealed that ‘Electric Avenue’ was the first single he ever bought. “I bought a single, ‘Electric Avenue,’ by Eddy Grant, and I played it incessantly in the car. My parents went absolutely nuts,” Levine said.

Sharing many of his other first and favorites, Levine said his dad took him to see his first concert ever, “My dad took me to go see Warrant. I was 11. It was Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Rich tour. It was crazy.”

While the singer is known for his unbeatable guitar skills, the very first instrument he ever learned to play was Piano. “I hated it. I had, like, one recital. The first instrument I really played was guitar and then drums” the American singer said.

Adam Levine has produced some amazing soundtracks in his music career and has bagged many prestigious awards for the same, including Grammy Awards, Billboard Music Award, American Music Award, American Music Awards, People’s Choice Awards, and MTV Video Music Award.

from The Siasat Daily

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