Thursday, 22 November 2018

Thank you for pouring love for our little girl: Neha Dhupia

Thank you for pouring love for our little girl: Neha Dhupia

Mumbai: Actress Neha Dhupia, who has just welcomed her first child — a daughter — with her actor husband Angad Bedi, has thanked all her friends from the industry and fans for pouring love on their “little girl”.

Neha on Thursday tweeted: “Our hearts are filled with joy as we Thank you all for all the love that has poured in for our little girl… I just whispered in her ear that everyone says welcome to the world and she smiled back… She sends you all lots of love.”

Neha and Angad welcomed their first born on November 18. According to a statement issued by her publicist, Neha delivered the child in Womens Hospital here.

On November 20, the two said that they have named their first born Mehr Dhupia Bedi.

Neha on Tuesday took to Instagram, where she shared a photograph of her baby’s feet wearing booties. The booties read: “Hello world”.

The 38-year-old actress captioned the photograph: “Mehr Dhupia Bedi says hello to the world.”

Neha and Angad surprised everyone with their hush-hush wedding in May this year. They confirmed Neha’s pregnancy in August, a little over three months after their wedding.

from The Siasat Daily

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