Sunday, 1 April 2018

Chelsea Handler supports Stormy Daniels, says she is not bimbo

Chelsea Handler supports Stormy Daniels, says she is not bimbo

Washington : American talk show host Chelsea Handler has come to the fore in defence of porn star Stormy Daniels, who alleges a 2006 affair with President Trump, saying that the US should listen to her and she is not a “bimbo.”

According to the Hill, Handler in an interview with Huff Post said, “She’s relentless. She’s destigmatizing porn stars in front of the entire world. She’s not stupid. She’s not an idiot. She’s not a bimbo.”

“She’s focused and she’s relentless and she’s honest and you know what? It’s great. This is the year of the woman and she is that,” Handler added.

Daniels has publicly claimed a 2006 sexual encounter with Trump. She recently appeared on CBS’ “60 Minutes” and claimed Cohen orchestrated a payment to keep her quiet during the election.

Daniels has been locked in a legal battle with President Trump earlier this month, seeking to invalidate a nondisclosure agreement she and Cohen had signed more than a decade ago.

The adult star said that the deal is not valid because the US President “never signed it himself”.

A federal judge in California has denied the request of Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti to depose United States President Donald Trump and his personal attorney, Michael Cohen as a part of the adult film star’s lawsuit.

US District judge James Otero on Thursday denied the motion, stating that it was “procedurally premature.”

Avenatti said that he will refile his motion to depose Trump and Cohen after they file their petition to move to arbitration.

The judge, a former President George W. Bush appointee, has set a hearing for April 30, according to the reports.(ANI)

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from The Siasat Daily

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