Monday, 18 June 2018

Aurangzeb did not return for Eid, father calls to wipe criminals out of Kashmir

Aurangzeb did not return for Eid, father calls to wipe criminals out of Kashmir

Salani (Poonch): Aurangzeb’s killing leaves family traumatised, yet spirit to serve country remains intact. The 24-year-old Riffleman was killed by the militants on Thursday, has sent shock waves in the Kashmir Valley.

The rifleman of 44 Rashtriya Riffles (RR) was abducted when terrorists intercepted a private car at Kalampora village in the Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama district. The gunmen took Aurangzeb along with them, while the driver was released without any harm. Later, Aurangzeb’s bullet-riddled body was recovered from Pulwama’s Gusso village.

According to agencies, Mohammad Hanief, Aurangzeb’s father and a former Sepoy of the Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry said that “my son has laid down his life for the country. He was a brave soldier. I and my sons will also sacrifice (ourselves) for the nation. We want goons to be wiped out.”

His younger brother was on the phone when Aurangzeb abducted explain the ordeal “my brother (Aurangzeb) was on his way to Poonch in a private vehicle. He was talking to me. I heard a shout ordering the vehicle to stop. I thought there was some checking. I never imagined militants were kidnapping my unarmed brother.”.

Aurangzeb had talked to me on mobile and promised to bring new clothes and gifts including a cricket bat, Aasim said. “But he did not come rushing and as usual hugged me. He came in a coffin. I do not need any gift of clothes but only my brother. They killed an unarmed person,” the young boy cried. But, despite the immeasurable loss, his spirit remains unbroken. “I will join Army like my brothers and father,” Aasim said. For residents of Aurangzeb’s native Salani hamlet, joining the forces is a way of life.

Hanief alleged that the State government does not allow Army to work on anti militancy operations. Army would teach stone-pelters and militants a lesson if they are given free hand to work.

Siasat Web Team with agencies inputs

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from The Siasat Daily

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