Thursday, 14 June 2018

FO notifies emergency contact numbers to facilitate Pakistani football fans in Moscow

Pakistani football fans Moscow

ISLAMABAD: The Foreign Office has notified emergency contact numbers of Pakistan Embassy in Moscow to facilitate the Pakistani football fans visiting the Russian Federation in connection with FIFA World Cup 2018.

“In case of emergency, Pakistani Football Fans visiting the Russian Federation in connection
with FIFA World Cup 2018 may contact the Embassy of Pakistan, Moscow, on the following
Cell/WhatsApp numbers: +7-965-154-9306 (Cell& WhatsApp) +7-967-532-5331 (Cell& WhatsApp) +92-300-954-3251 (WhatsApp) +7-905-770-0428 (Cell),” a press release issued by Foreign Office here said.

“The Embassy will extend all possible assistance to Pakistani nationals,” it added.

Meanwhile, Moscow authorities are pleading with locals not to drive in the runup to Thursday´s World Cup opening match to avoid causing gridlock in the city.

The Russian capital of 12 million people is creaking at the seams as it starts receiving hundreds of thousands visitors for the month-long football finals.

Fans from the 32 participating nations will almost all either be based in Moscow or fly in and out of the sprawling and chronically congested megalopolis to the other 11 host venues.

Moscow officials had insisted for months that they had planned everything out to make sure the city functioned like clockwork once the games begin.

The post FO notifies emergency contact numbers to facilitate Pakistani football fans in Moscow appeared first on ARYNEWS.


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