Sunday, 24 June 2018

Will return after Kulsoom’s health improves: Nawaz

Nawaz Sharif

LONDON: Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif says he will not return to the country unless his wife Kulsoom Nawaz’s condition gets better.  

The former first lady is battling for life at a London hospital after suffering a cardiac arrest on June 14.

Speaking to journalists in the British capital, the PML-N supreme leader said he cannot think of going back to Pakistan at a time when his wife is on life-support machines.

He said he will consider going back to the country only after his wife’s condition improves in the coming few days.

He asked if it would be appropriate to leave her in this situation to fly back to Pakistan.

When asked to comment on political developments taking place back home, Mr. Sharif said it didn’t sound good to discuss politics at the hospital and added he would do politics after return to the country.

He thanked the nation for praying for his wife.

A day earlier, Hussain Nawaz, the former premier’s elder son, contradicted the media reports that his ailing mother Begum Kulsoom Nawaz has passed away.

Hussain said “She is still gravely ill and risky patient and on ventilator (life supporting machine) although she is in better health position and more stable as compared to the first day when she suffered a cardiac arrest in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the hospital”.

He was talking to Pakistani media outside the Harley Street Clinic, where his mother was admitted after a cardiac arrest, a few days back.

The post Will return after Kulsoom’s health improves: Nawaz appeared first on ARYNEWS.


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